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Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund: 2024

NS Partners was founded in 1988.  They have built a long-term, proven track record in emerging market equity investing since 1996, consistently applying their investment approach with a stable dedicated team. The portfolio management team is comprised of experienced emerging market analysts, many of whom have been working together in the business for more than 20 years. The team follows a unique investment approach that combines bottom-up fundamental stock selection with a top-down macro and country allocation view. The unique incorporation of a country level assessment within the strategy makes NS Partners unique within their fund manager peers and has resulted in long-term outperformance.

Nedgroup Investments began their partnership with NS Partners on the Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund in April 2019.

Best of Breed

Proxy voting

Investee company
Share code
Event type
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting