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Global Strategic Bond Feeder Fund

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Investor Profile

The unit trust portfolio is suitable for investors who require high levels of income and capital preservation and provides an attractive alternative to current and savings accounts and may be used to diversify away from equity assets or as a short-term investment for capital. The portfolio typically displays very little volatility.

Investment manager

Risk profile

Low risk High risk
The greater the amount of risk an investor is willing to take on the greater the potential return

Minimum investment

Lump sum: R10 000 Debit order: R250

Recommended minimum period

5 years

Inception date

10 April 2024

Asisa category

(ASISA) Global IB Variable Term


Bloomberg Global Aggregate TR Hdg USD

Performance (since inception)

Past performance is not indicative of future performance and does not predict future returns.

Annual fees and charges eac Fees calculator

excl VAT incl VAT
Fund management fee 0.60% 0.69%
Fund expenses 0.01%
Total expense ratio 0.70%
Fund transacting costs 0.00%
Total investment charges 0.70%

Price as at eac View all prices

Fund price Market change Unit count
986.67 0.72% -

Income distribution

Cents per unit Latest date Frequency
- Annually